Experience and Accomplishments

Here are some of the extracurricular and work-related positions I currently hold and held in the past. If you would like to see some more of my past involvement, don't hesitate to look at my linkedin and current resume

University of Waterloo Robotics Team - Firmware Subteam Member

August 2020-Present

The University of Waterloo Robotics Team develops a Mars Rover for the University Rover Challenge (URC) every year. As a firmware subteam member, I help code the embedded systems for the rover using C and C++ on the ARM STM32 microcontroller through the MBED-OS platform. I implemented an interrupt-based mechanism for receiving CAN messages through MBED events to reduce the amount of dropped CAN messages.

Software Developer Intern, Automated Visualization (AuVis)

June 2020-December 2020

AuVis is a SaaS startup that develops commercial data visualization dashboards for companies through its Molecule Dashboard. As a Software Engineering intern, I worked with a team of developers to produce an MVP, and continued development beyond that stage. I established data-connection gateways between platforms such as Twitter and Linkedin to the application using Python, Flask, and OAuth2.0. I also planned the database schema and made SQL queries to aid the transition of the app from GCP to AWS. Finally, I implemented the data encryption using the AWS Key management system and introduced best practices for our code repository.

Bioinformatics Research Intern, Foundation of Student Science and Technology (FSST)

February 2019-June 2019

As a research intern at FSST, I used machine learning to find correlations between alcohol consumption and pancreatic cancer risk. Training a statistical model, I was able to attain 98% accuracy training the data on a random forest algorithm using Pandas and Scikit-Learn. Additionally, I created various plots to represent the data and model using Matplotlib. Ultimately, I developed a research paper representing my findings.

Youth Delegate at the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee

April 2019-September 2020

I advised the government on topics of environmental interest as a youth representative along with delegates from across the region. I spearheaded a region-wide initiative to facilitate the creation and maintenance of pollinator friendly spaces throughout Durham region by the distribution of wildflower seeds attracting various pollinator species in tandem with annual compost distribution days

Here are some of my relevant side projects that I have worked on or am currently pursuing

Multi-purpose Arduino display station

Arduino, C

A three-in-one system that displays ambient humidity, temperature, and current time with alarm clock on LCD screen using a RTC time module and DHT11 Temperature/Humidity module



A graphics-based multilevel game built using Java Swing and object-oriented programming concepts. I oversaw the development of the entire product as the project manager of a four-person team

COVID-19 Prediction App

Python, Dart, Scikit-Learn, Flutter

A project made as part of the 2020 NASA SpaceApps challenge hackathon. An application that predicted whether a certain area would be a COVID-19 hotspot or not, based on a variety of factors.

SkillsRobotics Autonomous Code

C++, Vex-Robotics

Code for the autonomous portions of the Skills Robotics Competition, where I used a PID algorithm to code a robot that followed a line and did specific tasks as part of the challenge on the Vex Robotics platform.

Machine Learning Scripts during Bioinformatics Internship

Python, Scikit-Learn, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib

As a bioinformatics research intern at the Foundation of Student Science and technology, I developed a machine learning model using a random forest algorithm that predicted the chances of developing pancreatic cancer using a variety of factors.

Aviation Weather Report Decoder


Used Java regular expressions (RegEx) to develop a program that converts Meteorological Aviation Reports (METAR), which are codes used by pilots, into plain-text readable by any human.

Computer Vision-based Sudoku Solver

Python, OpenCV, Keras

A project that solves your sudoku board for you based off a picture taken at any angle! Developed using OpenCV operations such as thresholding, warp transform, and Hough lines to extract sudoku board from an image. Implemented a neural network model trained using Kerasto identify and display digits in a terminal-based UI and computed the solved board using a recursive backtracking algorithm written in Python

Object Following Arduino Robot

Arduino, C++

Developed an Arduino-controlled robot that follows any object in it's nearby proximity. Used a AA battery pack soldered to a DC adapter connected to the Arduino to power 4 DC motors and a servo. The DC motors were formed as the drivetrain. The servo was used to change the direction of the ultrasonic sensor to sense and find the direction of the object present. Based on this input, the drivetrain direction was continuously updated.